Thursday, November 17, 2011

Smoke up aerobics? Anyone?

Roll it. Light it.
Breathe together now.
Inhale. Hold it.
And three,and two,and one.
Exhale. Control your cough.
Big happy smiles, boys!
Hold your tummies in.
OK, all together now...
Breathe deep.
Inhale. Hold it.
And three,and two,and one.
Exhale. Stop that cough.
Big smiles. Be happy, boys!
Release that tension.
Now you've done it!
You're stoned,on dope.
OK, let's take it from the top.
Chests out. Tummies in.
Breathe together now.
Inhale. Hold it.
And three,and two,and one!


I found satisfaction in a ball of
hashish. Shouldn't you do the same?

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